Anthony Kinja

Realtor 15 properties
Address: Centenary Hse, 4th Flr
Phone: 0723390834

Company: Wealthlink
Office Number: 0733541523
Office Address: Centenary Hse, 4th Flr


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Anthony Kinja Kareithi is a top brass realtor with a deepened wealth of experience spanning over 10 years in real estate. Full of Intelligence, Professionalism, Integrity, Efficiency and Excellence in service delivery.
He is a Trained Economist from University of Nairobi, A Certified Public Accountant of Kenya (CPAK), A certified Investments and Financial Analyst (CIFA)
A member of ICPAK, A member of ICIFA, A member of KPRA (Kenya Professional Realtors Association).
A family man, Husband and Father to Three Children

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